About Us

DallasRoseCollection is a Female-Operated self care business that is own by New Orleans native Dallas Allen. Since a child Dallas has been in love with anything dealing with ( Makeup ) especially “Lipgloss”. Dallas’s love for cosmetics only grew as she got into her early teens, at that time she started to watch a lot of “Beauty Gurus “ on YouTube which further her new obsession. 

Her vision of owning her own business came from her mother “Andre Williams“ or “Mama Rose” as some of you all call her , who inspired her to start her own “Cosmetics” line . The plan was officially put to action on June 8th,2019 , Dallas started to research what products she wanted to sell and she also started to purchase her inventory right away !! But first she needed a business name and the first thing to come to mind was DallasRoseCosmetics with the “Dallas” part being named after herself and the “Rose” part being named after her great-grandmother “Myrtle-Rose” who had passed .

As time passed and she started to think about the future of her business she realized that she wanted to sell more than just cosmetics hence the change from “Cosmetics” to “Collections” to signify what is to come from her product range.In the beginning of her business journey there was a lot of up’s and downs ( way more down’s then up’s at the time ) due to her being inconsistent and feeling very unmotivated. But as the year 2019 was coming to an end and the year 2020 was just beginning things started to look up . Dallas started to promote & market her business and products , while also learning from all the mistakes she made in 2019.

Dallas decided to continue to put her best foot forward which helped her gain new followers and receive multiple orders in a span of a few months . Dallas was even able to sell completely out of all her inventory on June 25th 2020 , She was able to completely revamp her business on August 10th with a new theme and new hand-made products. Despite the Global Pandemic that hit in 2020 , Dallas was still able to achieve her goals of running a successful business thanks to her amazing “Rosebuds” !! .

Without you all DallasRoseCollection wouldn’t be where it is today . We can’t wait to continue to grow and expand during these next upcoming years . This is only the beginning for DallasRoseCollection and we still have more to come and to look forward too!!

Xoxoxo with much love , DallasRose